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I am 22 and I am trying to loose weight. I have an 11 month old and I have already lost the weight from my pregnancy, but I have additional weight i would like to loose. I eat well, but i just need to stay motivated to do exercise. I normally do a few days of working out but then I give up. How do I keep motivated?
Try finding an old picture of yourself that was your ideal weight, if you can't find one you could always look up a celebrity who has your ideal body. put it somewhere you can look at it before you want to exercise. always keep in mind that you will feel much better about yourself if you can overcome your reluctance and lose weight. That in turn will help you to make other healthy changes so you will be less likely to get sick and you will live longer. you could also pass on those good ideas to your child(ren) so they can be healthy too.
find someone to exercise with, usually having someone with you (who's just as enthusiastic) keeps you pretty well motivated. i did the same thing my first pregnancy (try to loose weight), and couldn't do it by myself. so i started working out with my husband (biiiiig workout buff) and i dropped 30 lbs in no time, without one ounce of not wanting to!
Sounds like you could benefit from instant weight loss results! have you tried the Body Magic by Ardyss? you can drop 2-3 dress sizes instantly! This wonderful garment will flatten your abs, remove love handles and back fat, perk up the breast and lift the buttocks! you will be slimmer and have an hour glass shape! When you put your clothes on and see how wonderful you look in them…you will run to the gym in an effort to maintain that look and feeling!
This garment requires that you wear your own bra; so if you are breast feeding, you won't have any problems. the garment is VERY comfortable and you will loose permanent weight and inches just from wearing thus enhancing your diet and exercise regimen. I lost 2 pounds and an inch off my waist in 3 weeks without exercising or dieting!
Check out the website and view the video. If it looks interesting to you or if you have any questions, please email
Hope this helps, if not, hang in there! I bet you look much better than you think you do!!! Congratulations on the new baby!!!!
Im also 22 and i have a 21 month old son, i was 125 lbs before getting pregnant, and on my pregnancy i went to 150lbs. Finally im starting to lose weight, a month ago, i was 146 lbs no joke, and now 3 weeks later im 129lbs. what kept me motivated was look for a pic of your favorite actress or a model that has a nice body, place it on your fridge, closet and bathroom, and trust me looking at that every single day made me cut the junk food and soda. Trust me you will be motivated…
good luck and dont give up!!!
Losing weight is a hard thing to do. to tell you the truth there really is no way for otehr people to help you. you have to get in the right mind set and REALLY want to lose that extra __ pounds/kgs. you will need to decide and tell yourself, I will do this and this every day…People reminding you every day not to eat candy bars is not going to help you (unless you listen to that kinda stuff), otherwise, more likely that'll make you jsut not want to listen and say I'll eat what I want! good luck though! I know you can do it! Feel better about yourself and congratulations on your baby (if a little late Image may be NSFW.
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If you are open to it, among other things, breast-feeding is also a great natural way to lose weight, because the milk is rich in fat. its good for the baby too.
As for keeping motivation up for a healthy lifestyle, what you really want is new habits to replace old ones, right? I recommend you look up who's a hypnotherapist locally. Meet and see if your personality matches. its proven effective to help you go beyond "will power".
make it a daily thing. have it be somthing you enjoy doing simple push your 11 month in a stroler to the park and back everyday are walk a little faster than normal around the block a few times with your ipod in.
It is very rough to push your self to do it when you dont want to
but just remember how great and accomplished you feel afterward.
Joining a class or support group is a good way to keep your motivation. When eating your meals make healthy choices. and remember portion control. Eat lots of veggies and cut back on the amount of meat and starchy fillers in your diet. last but certainly not least look at that beautiful baby and know you want to be fit and healthy for him/her.
Will power is usually it. Avoid buying junk foods from the grocery store so you won't have any to crave at home. Also, do you give up because you're tired or just don't feel like it? to get yourself in the mood, you should get some friends to exercise with you or turn up some music. But if you're tired, stop and rest. Get hydrated and then continue. Hope this helps. good luck!!
Really the only 2 reason is self confidence and stress…
I promise you will feel so much better when your fit and you will be happier more of the time… its a proven fact. Motivations starts with no one else but you. take it one day at a time… pretend like each day is the only day you have to take care of Business… just keep up the good work;)
best wishes
Listen to your fav music (not romantic) on your mp3 if one several minutes before starting. place a poster of a sexy celebrity or model in your wall (if you have an exercise room) by a huge mirror. that worked for me, believe me.
I know how hard it can be! I am in the same situation. When I would go to the store or something, I'd see someone from school and they were in shape, and they would tell me hi and laugh at me when they walked away. and it made me feel so disgusted about myself. That was my motivation.
Keep a log of what you eat, and plan out your exercises. Try mixing up your workouts a little bit, like take a class at your gym. Those are motivating too. keep up the good work, and hard work keeps u looking bikini ready!!!!
well…. what i do is that i take a 2 hr. walk after lunch…. and a 2 hr. walk after dinner…. or you could buy a treadmill and walk on it … and if u love music (like me) i would listen to my i pod when you walk.. hope it helped =)
just have pictures of fat people around your house and look at them, to remind yourself that you're going to look like that if you don't work out.
Ask friends and family to remind you and motivate you. and a little willpower goes a long way too.
when u feel the need to eat food, think about if ur gonna regret it after.. or just brush ur teeth, always helps me
help with me…
Dont shop, that way youll be motivated to fit in a little black dress for xmas or something.
Looking at oneself naked in a full-length mirror often helps Image may be NSFW.
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Get a picture when you looked fit in a bikini ..
The word is "LOSE"….. Loose means something else.
I watch my caloric intake and do wii fit and active.
p90x if you can and do slim fast
get a dog! and you have to walk it
Put pictures of skinny B*i*tches all over the house!!
just remember no one likes a fat chick