Skin can be compared to rubber; although it is stretchy it can only stretch a set amount and still return to its natural size without breaking. when the skin is over stretched the dermis then begins to show tears and the skin becomes saggy and loose. Loose skin and muscle at the abdomen generally occurs to women after giving birth or experience weight gain and then severe weight loss. in order to correct this problem which makes most women self conscience one can chose to under go a tummy tuck. a tummy tuck can be done for purely cosmetic reasons or can be done to correct loose abdominal muscles which can cause back pain. if a tummy tuck is done to correct loose abdominal muscle it can sometimes be covered under ones insurance because it can be deemed as medically necessary.Abdominal is the medical term used for a tummy tuck. All tummy tucks including a new York City tummy tuck involves surgically removing excess skin and fat from the middle and lower part of the abdomen and tightening the abdomen muscles. The perfect candidate for a tummy tuck, leading Pasadena plastic ac surgeons say is the women who can successfully lose weight other wise but can not get rid of the fat deposits and sagging skin. a tummy tuck will result in a flatter more contoured abdomen and smaller waist line. Scars from a tummy tuck are generally located under the bathing suit line for a full tummy tuck and right above the pubis line for a mini tummy tuck.Leading Tampa Plastic surgeons say healing is different for everyone because everyone’s body heals at different rates, but generally one should only have to be out of work for two weeks some patients require four. Apart from the time away from work it generally takes patients several weeks to feel back to normal. if the patient is good physical condition meaning the patient was active and very healthy than the recovery time is generally shorter. both men and women do get tummy tucks; however, the procedure is more helpful for women who have bared children. most surgeons combine a tummy tucks with liposuction to provide the best possible results. Liposuction removes pockets of fat from specific areas using a suction pump. Several Expert new Port Beach plastic surgeons combine tummy tucks with other procedures like hysterectomy or tubal ligation.Tummy tucks are among the five most popular plastic surgery procedures around the country. This procedure is popular because its great cosmetic improvement and because the procedure is done so successfully. a tummy tuck procedure can be for anyone whether there is large amounts of excess skin and fat or only small amounts the object is to remove the sagging and restore the tummy back to its slimming appearance.